Monday, March 3, 2014

Συζητήσεις περι Πλούτωνα

Διαβάζοντας σχετικά με τον Πλούτωνα και την επίδρασή του στην Αστρολογία μου θυμίζει πολύ το Αιγυπτιακό σκαθάρι Κέφρα (Kephra) που κατεβάζει τον Ήλιο (τη φωτεινή ζωοδόχου πηγή της ύπαρξης) στον Άδη (που σχετίζεται μυθολογικά με τον Πλούτωνα, τον κάτω κόσμο, το σκοτάδι και τον θάνατο), κι εκεί μας λέει το ρητό: "Κέφερ α Κέφερ Κέφερου" που σημαίνει Είμαι Αυτός που δημιουργεί την Φύση του". 

(Στην εσωτερική Αστρολογία ο Κέφρα αντιστοιχεί στο ζώδιο του Καρκίνου και ο Πλούτωνας βρίσκεται σε έξαρση σε αυτόν!)
Μια φράση ισάξιας με το εβραϊκό όνομα του Θεού "'εχεγιεχ" που σημαίνει "Είμαι αυτός που έγινε από εμένα ο Άρχων Θεός". Επομένως είναι εύκολο να συμπεράνει κανείς γιατί ο Πλούτωνας συμβολίζει τον "φυσικό" θάνατο και την αναγέννηση, μεταμόρφωση, εσωτερική και ψυχολογική, την επιμονή και ισχυρή θέληση κι ένστικτο της επιβίωσης, την στιγμή εκείνη που έχουμε πέσει, δεν υπάρχει κανείς να μας σηκώσει και πρέπει μόνοι μας να αντλήσουμε από την ίδια μας την ύπαρξη τη θέληση για να ανυψωθούμε και πάλι από τον Άδη.

Ο Πλούτωνας κυβερνά τον Σκορπιό (θάνατος, αναγέννηση, ένστικτο αυτοσυντήρησης κι επιβίωσης), βρίσκεται σε αδυναμία στον Ταύρο (αισθησιακή και υλιστική προσκόλληση), είναι σε έξαρση στον Καρκίνο (υψηλό αίσθημα επιβίωσης, φροντίδας του Εγώ, αναγέννηση μέσα από το φως και το σκοτάδι,) και είναι σε πτώση στον Αιγόκερω (εγωκεντρισμός, υπερβολική προσκόλληση στο Εγώ όπου το αίσθημα της επιβίωσης δεν επιτρέπει το άτομο να καταστρέψει πρώτα τον παλιό του εαυτό αλλά αντιθέτως εγκλωβίζεται σε αυτόν και δεν του επιτρέπει να αλλάξει ριζικά τις παλιές του αρχές για να ολοκληρωθεί.)

Friday, December 27, 2013

The party

It was this party called "older than Jesus". I don't know why I am still thinking about it.
I had to be there not only for the obvious reasons (being in my late 30s) but the whole concept sounded interesting. Maybe it was the religious connotation or something resurrected, a way for older guys to feel better for themselves, like a ritual or something.

The venue - an old industrial building - was packed with all kinds of people one would have to spend a month's non-stop bar cruise all across the city just to see them for a few moments. And now here they are, ready in front of your eyes at their best outfit, their best attitude, their privacy ready to be invaded, all up for grabs!

Based on several personal experiences I tend to believe that if you like a good conversation and be intellectually intrigued, your mate has to be over 30 or you risk to either fall in love with the wrong person, or turn down the right person, the fault being yours in both cases. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in having sex or attempt a relationship with a 20 something cute, career seeking, iwanttoknowtheworld twink as long as you are fully prepared to be dumped for no reason. Being over 30, there are no excuses for such a mistake.

Back to the story... the crowd, the noise level, the sweating torsos moved in all provocative manners you could think of, created a mystifying atmosphere, a mood for you to blend in. But not for me! I was totally out of my safe zone. This is not what mature people do. This is just for the youth. I had no idea, decent next-door people who act as if their life is as miserable as mine, could behave like this! I hated them at once not for being able to have a double life, but for doing it so successfully! Despite my feelings I decided I will do this no matter what, I deserved going out and having fun after a long period of hibernation. I walk casually pretending I am cool and finally I find the bar where I ask for my favourite mojito drink even if it is winter and ignoring the fact the bartender had a strange wtf expression all over his face :)

I was looking at the people in front, chatting, dancing or just standing there, totally convinced nobody will come to speak to me and of course this was the only way things could unfold since I would never do the first step myself. I am not good at socializing you know... I still wonder if I should have accepted the invitation to go there. A friend of mine who knows how miserable I am, almost threatened me he would never speak to me again if I fail to appear once again. It wasn't the first time he invited me after all.

My friend Alex is the exact opposite of me, very open, easy going, free of day life's guilts and excuses. When he wants something he just gets it. If he fails, the attempt never occurred, as simple as that! I wouldn't say he is the most attractive person I know but definitely has his own ways. He is very persuasive and his conversation skills are good enough to penetrate most people's mind. Of course he has no real problems in sex life (ok maybe he conveniently forgets to make any mention of them).

After an hour or so of awkward boredom, he finally appears, surprised to see me there.

- Hi Jonathan! I am glad to see you here, I was sure you will not come.
- Yeah, I decided to see with my own eyes what you and your "buddies" are doing every other night. So far I see no reason for me to come again.
- hmmm, of course not! The way you stand and stare at people, I can guarantee you, nobody will notice your presence. You look like a zombie!
- No! I just don't see anything good. It is all of the same. Nicely dressed guys moving around, trying hard to get noticed, provoking others to act first. I just hate it. I was hoping for something better.
- OK we shall see...

One important detail I forgot to mention, Alex is 28yo and the only reason he was allowed to attend the party is he knows a lot of people, one of them being the party's host, a 38yo well established dude. I've never asked for more details about the actual affair though.

At some point Alex was consumed by the huge dancing crowd and disappeared. I was feeling uncomfortable and my only reasonable course of action would be just to text him I am about to leave. Ready to do so, I am turning around looking for the bartender to pay for my drink. He wasn't there and while I am trying to pull out the money from my wallet, I hear a familiar voice saying "hello"... I turn my head to see who's talking then it happened! I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing!

... to be continued